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About Guru Nadhan

Early Life and Transformation

Guru Nadhan was born into a prestigious ruling family (Rajakudumbam). As a child, he was known for his rebellious and disobedient nature, constantly questioning everything and everyone around him. His unconventional personality was a source of concern for his family and the community.

A pivotal moment in his childhood came when he encountered a saint (sanyasi) in his village. The saint gave young Guru Nadhan a stone, assuring him that everything would change for the better. Miraculously, this incident marked a significant transformation in Guru Nadhan's behavior. He became more focused on his studies, though his inquisitive nature remained intact. The saint later met him again, imparting wisdom that children's behaviors change with each stage of life and that his questioning nature would eventually lead him to find answers on his own.

Academic and Spiritual Journey

Guru Nadhan's curiosity led him to pursue studies in psychology and parapsychology. His quest for knowledge and understanding took him to North India, where he visited Amar Kund Dham in Madhya Pradesh. There, he discovered that the stone given by the saint originated from this sacred place. His time at Amar Kund Dham brought him into contact with aghoris, who provided profound insights into the nature of human burdens and the ways to overcome them.

He realized that the ancient teachings of Lord Shiva as Bhairava, particularly the kriyas in Shiva Thandavam, held answers to many of life's challenges. However, he also recognized that these teachings needed to be adapted for modern understanding. This realization led him to develop these ancient practices into a more accessible form, giving rise to the TFL Foundation. The foundation's practices have been proven to enhance mental clarity and foster a deeper sense of humanity and compassion.

Current Mission

Today, Guru Nadhan is dedicated to a noble mission: providing support and care for abandoned elderly individuals. Through his initiative, he offers them good shelter, nutritious food, and a dignified end-of-life experience. Guru Nadhan's work with the elderly is a testament to his lifelong commitment to understanding and alleviating human suffering, rooted in both his spiritual journey and his profound empathy.